Cantact OBD

This special CAN BUS hardware ( is very nice in the sense that it lends itself to many possibilities, and this is why I am creating this separate post about it.

An alternative board is the board, but I will stick to the board I own for this post

The standard firmware for my Cantact is candlelight available at linklayer/candleLight_fw, And there is a firmware here (, the official users manual page is here ( and here (

Linklayer also provides some very nice tools such as (

Now, with that out of the way, let us take a look at the board itself


etching reads…

GH238 93
CHN 708

Which tells us that the microcontroller is an STM32, A great choice for such a device (See the wikipedia article linked)

On linux, can-utils is a great tool for this thing

I actually made a 3D model casing that fits the board perfectly, I will post it here when i find it

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