Laravel – Tools and environments

The following are things that are commonly used with Laravel. broken down by category

Environment tools and solutions

  • PHP composer (Mandatory)
  • Docker – Sail (Optional)

Relevant / Compatible server side software

  • Apache2 (2.4) (Web Server)
  • Nginx (Web Server)
  • PHP (PHP8.x for Laravel 9)
  • redis (Data structure store)
  • memcache (in-memory, distributed cache)
  • MeiliSearch (Search application)
  • MailHog (email-testing tool with a fake SMTP server)
  • Selinium (browser automation)
  • MySQL/Mariadb (Database engine, most common)
  • PostgreSQL (Database Engine, very powerful)

Development environments

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code (Free): built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js, extensions include PHP
  • Sublime text (Not free, works but nags)
  • Apache beans (Free)
  • IntellijIDEA (Not free, one month trial)
  • PHPStorm (Same as IntellijIDEA without the other languages support, Not Free, one month trial)

Database Management

  • MAC: Sequel Pro and sequel ace
  • ALL: PHPMyAdmin, mysql workbench (Oracle),
  • sqlyog (Windows and Linux)


  • Node.js
  • NPM (Installed with node.js): npm is a package manager for the JavaScript to work with front end stuff like node.js, react.js, bootstrap, tailwind CSS,
  • Yarn (NPM alternative from Facebook)
  • GIT: track changes in source code

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