Installing MacOS in a virtual machine (KVM) under linux

This is a simple task, and it is only simple because of foxlet (@FoxletFox on twitter) (And later kholia)

Anyway, let us get to setting it up, to begin with, you don’t need to download MacOS, when using foxlet’s macOS-Simple-KVM OSX-KVM, this system downloads MacOS on it’s own… or you can download it and install it offline (

WARNING: Starting with Mojave, you need AVX2 support on your CPU, so your 4th gen I7 won’t do the trick

==== offline install start ========

FOR OFFLINE INSTALLATION: this section is for offline installation, unless you want to do offline installation

Offline_1- Go to and download the version of MacOS you want, you should end up with a PKG file

Download (or use git) to get the OSX-KVM package

Offline_2- Create an ISO file from the PKG file with the following command

mkisofs -allow-limited-size -l -J -r -iso-level 3 -V InstallAssistant -o InstallAssistant.iso path/to/InstallAssistant.pkg scripts/
==== offline install end ========

Step 1: Make sure you have KVM ! and the relevant tools

apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon qemu-system qemu-utils python3 python3-pip bridge-utils virtinst libvirt-daemon-system virt-manager

You know, the usual kvm setup ;), I am hoping you already have KVM, if not, see this post and install KVM first

Now that you have kvm, you need to insure that vhost_net is installed, loaded and enabled

modprobe vhost_net
lsmod | grep vhost

You will also need git to download macOS-Simple-KVM (Has not been updated in 5 years.)

git clone

You will also need git to download

Now, download MacOS base image that will download the rest of the operating system (catalina is the latest ?) options in that script are –high-sierra, –mojave, or –catalina.

./ --catalina

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