WordPress does not load correctly (SOLVED) behind nginx/varnish reverse proxies !

Here is my problem, I have a website, and in a directory in that website, I have a wordpress installation, and that installation opens correctly, loads all the images, css, js and any other files for a proper experience, only problem is, when you put this behind a varnish reverse proxy, and an nginx reverse proxy for SSL (https), the website design (theme) does not load, you only see the actual html page that was loaded, but all other elements are never fetched from the server, i actually sniffed the data and found that css, javascript, and images are never even requested !

So the short of this story, if you are having problems with page loading without the theme or design, and you have a similar setup, odds are the problem is with wordpress settings not with nginx or with varnish !

So a closer look at the page source reveals that the page was loaded with https, but the links to all the page resources are in HTTP ! why is that ? simple

when you open the website in SSL, your browser creates a secure connection with nginx (termination), nginx requests the page from varnish, which relays the page again to the server.

As far as the web server serving wordpress is concerned, this request came in http, not https ! so all the page resources should be in http right ? yes, this is what is happening, but what is the solution

I tried a few solutions, for example, i changed the wordpress address and site address to httpS, but wordpress is smart enough to use whatever protocol the user accessed and use it for all resources !

there are many solutions programmatically, which is something i avoid because i update wordpress, and don’t want to fix it every time i upgrade, so whatever solution i need has got to be in the only file that is never modified when upgrading wordpress, the config file

wordpress knows it is on SSL from the following two entries in the environment, the entries $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] and $_SERVER[‘SERVER_PORT’], the proxy sends a hint that the user used https with the variable $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO’] in the request header, hence, adding the following code snippet somewhere in the beginning of the config file should deceive wordpress into thinking it has been accessed over https !

if($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https'){
   $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
   $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = 443;

Hope this all works okay for you, if not please let me know in the comments and i would be more than glad to help

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