Windows 10 slow shutdown on SSD (Solved)

SSDs are the best thing that happened to computer boot time (and many other things) since the invention of the abacus

But for some reason, booting up is faster than shutting down, much faster, Shut downs are taking a long time (Or reboots)

So let me see what i can do about this

1- Windows ClearPageFileAtShutdown is something that happens before shut down, and is my first guess to why this is happening
So let us set the following key to zero (0) and see if this speeds up shutdown time.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Memory Management then ClearPageFileAtShutdown set to (0)

This session should shut down slowly, the next time you boot, shutdown will be much faster.

The other thing that i am thinking is relevant is changing the location of the indexing service index files to my spinning disk, this is because the spinning disk has thousands of files, and i would like to keep my SSD fast for certain other applications.

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